2 February 2013

Colour Crush Yellow and Pink.

I adore colour, every colour. Sure I have favourites that I seem to always gravitate towards but I get what I call colour crushes. All it takes is one piece, a chair, a cushion, an artwork and I'm hooked, searching everywhere for the right items to compliment my new found treasure. Sometimes its not just one colour but a colour combination.

Last June July holidays I became obsessed with the colour combination of Yellow and Pink.  Not soft and pretty but almost acid bright.

Now let me tell you how I became obsessed with this combination.
During the holidays I took the girls up to the Eumundi Markets on the Sunshine Coast. I told each of them that they can buy something to take home with them but that it had to be something that lasts i.e. not lollies or chocolate... you know how kids are.
We came across the lovely Lyn selling her artwork, www.lynfrancis.com all of her prints were saturated with colour, great for children's rooms. She had one particular print depicting a Flamingo and BAM I just had to have it, now I had to try and use my mummy powers of persuasion to convince one of the girls that they just had to have a print of Phylis the Flamingo. It was perfect for one of their rooms.
Unfortunately those mummy powers of persuasion just didn't work and my Flamingo obsession didn't rub off on either of them. They did however take home one of her artworks each but they ended up with a Mermaid and a Fairy.

The prints we came home with from Original artwork by Lyn Francis
I was a very proud mummy that day because they managed to choose an item that they could keep and because it was their VERY 1ST piece of ART!

I was already obsessed with Pineapples, so Pineapples and Flamingos put them together and you get my colour combination crush Yellow and Pink.
I know a playful combination right, which makes it perfect for a little girls room, although I did consider this combination for my outdoor area.
So now I'm in the process of re decorating my eldest daughters bedroom in my colour crush. I will post some photos when I get close to finishing (my home is never quite finished because it's forever evolving with my ever changing  'love, want, gotta haves', and our needs as a young family) but for now here is my Inspiration Board.

Inspiration Board for my daughters bedroom

Luckily the Mermaid print will work.... but I think I may just have to go back for that Flamingo print.

Love Jade xx

Note: My Flamingo obsession was validated when I saw this little article on Mini Trend: Flamingos in Home Beautiful February edition. Yay! Absolutely love Frank the Flamingo.